Sunday, November 11, 2012

History of sunglasses

We will use all sunglasses as a great way to protect our eyes from the sun. But do we ever think about the history of Sunglasses or where they came from? ...

It’s  found from Nero, A Roman emperor ... a time to enjoy by watching gladiator fights through polished gems. initial glasses, .. initially consist of flat quartz lenses colored smoke pot. Twentieth century .... Around 1430 and before the judge China smoke colored glasses to hide their expressions as a secret until the delivery of the conclusion of a trial. ....

Sunglasses are not just improve and protect eyesight or stonewall light of harmful UV but also to reduce glare.

In the mid-18th century James Ayscough create blue and green corrective lenses which give a new direction and glasses started to use glasses to correct a decrease in optical ...

 In 1929 Sam Foster, founder of Foster Grant sunglasses States Syarikat introduced in America. His Foster Grant sunglasses are the first mass produced sunglasses and has since experienced a change and become like a popular item like now .... Sunglasses are designed to protect the eyes from harmful UV rays ....

 In 1936 Edwin H. Land of Polaroid Corporation's founder started using patents Polaroid filter when making sunglasses and start producing Polaroid Sunglasses. At present sunglasses are all the rage and many Americans began to use sunglasses .... They started to become not only a means to protect against the sun but also a symbol of the 'Online' .... Many musicians and actors began wearing sunglasses.

Sunglasses impressed not only for ordinary people, but also attracted the attention of military officials on the benefits ..... In 1930 the Army Air Corps asked Bosch & Lomb to develop several kinds of glasses for those pilots can effectively reduce glare while Sun ....
In 1937 Ray Ban developed the anti-glare sunglasses using polarization and this makes the popular Aviator glasses in public and also in the stars of this movie. In early 1970 Sunglasses became a symbol of fashion, movie stars and designers made a huge impact on the eyewear industry ... Many designers and stars give their names with the sunglasses and the people willing to have it.

With technology increasing day by day we are getting new signs and models of these glasses in a very fast speed .... From gem holds up the eyes to watch the gladiators to last Sunglasses music player industry is improving and increasing day by day and be unexpected.



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